Moldex Realty joins Arbor Day with the DENR–CENRO in Bokod, Benguet
Posted on: July 1, 2019
BOKOD, BENGUET – Last June 25, 2019 Moldex Realty joined Arbor Day with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Community Environment and Natural resources Office ( DENR-CENRO ) and planted over 1,500 seedlings of pine trees.
Arbor Day refers to a holiday wherein individuals or groups are encouraged to plant trees. It is usually observed in the spring time around April but the date varies depending on the climate and suitable season – In the Philippines, Arbor day is set every June 25.
The Trees for Life tree-planting activity did not just build community spirit, but it also showed how involved and united the public private sector are when it comes to being responsible stewards of our planet. Caring for the environment has always been part of Moldex Realty’s corporate citizenship. The company has always been active in activities that will preserve the natural environment of the places it develops and at the same time revitalize its surroundings.
Within its Horizontal developments, Moldex Realty has done several tree-planting activities. Thus, Moldex Realty gave no second thoughts to take part in this effort to better the planet and to promote a healthier environment as it has always done through the years.
Prior to this tree-planting activity, in 2014, Moldex Realty donated and nurtured for six months more than 10,000 plants – 10,800 were planted in Ampucao, Itogon, Benguet and another 320 plants are within Busol Watershed, Baguio City.
Last May, Moldex Realty donated 2,450 seedlings of pine trees to DENR. Apart from the donation Moldex Realty members also took part to help plant seedlings for it to grow and foster in the highland municipality of Bokod, Benguet.